Find out the reason why it is good to go to Japan right now

As a new start up on the block, we have to hustle and hassle everyone that we know or come across. Even before we set up the website and went on a journey that we are on now, we have been asking people questions about their experiences and the problems that they have faced along the way. One of the recent ideas that have come across our ever wondering minds is to search for the top 10 destinations and not surprisingly, what we have seen is what the best SEO will give you, is the list of carefully selected countries by those that wanted to get the attention, which they definitely get.

Based on all of this above we will be kicking off a progressive informational points on various of our readers and supporters on what their 10 countries would be and why they have put this list, which we find quite amusing.

Introduction to inspirational Kate

Starting from Kate, she is a very young entrepreneur who runs a number of companies at the same time across two regions, Turkey and Thailand. She finds the lifestyle of a digital nomad is absolutely awesome and thatā€™s why she loves traveling between these two countries. She loves the flexibility and ease of lifestyle in Turkey while missing out on the variety of a very spicy food and entertainment culture in Thailand. Where she spent over 10 years.

Now Japan is #1šŸ˜‚Ā 

Recently (literally 15th of August 2022) the Japanese National Taxation agency in order to increase the revenue from Taxes have come up with the brilliant idea of launching a nationwide campaign encouraging all of the Japanese people to start drinking again. Post 2020 outcome is that Japanese people are drinking less alcohol than pre 2020. And in order to increase the Taxation revenue they have decided to run a campaign, hence after our quick chit chat with Kate, she has agreed that it would be a good idea right now to go to Japan and contribute to their economy.

then Thailand – since I miss it, and need a massage,Ā 

Thailand amongst other things is very well known for its massages. It is considered that the Thai people are one of the best massages and can provide you with any type of massage that you can ever imagine. It would be arguably close of course on the quality of service with the Balinese massages but typically they vary in the service offerings at its core. Since Kate lived in Thailand for close to 10 years she probably has her favorite place to visit. 

after SG to see friends,Ā 

Prior to moving to Thailand for about 3 years, Kate lived in Singapore and the locals are calling it SG (like Malaysia, MY). During this time she was working for a fairly large company and was part of the corporate culture lifestyle, so Singapore has a great memory for Kate from various perspectives of food, friends and non-stop working environment – Asian style. 

Korea for bbq,Ā 

Besides Gangnam style, Korea is also very well known for its food and drink culture. The most attractive part of the food culture that everyone can relate to is the Korean BBQ scene. It has a huge variety of pre-cut vegetables, meats and most importantly sauces that come along those meats and veggies. If you are a foodie and love trying something nice and spicy then look no further than the Korean restaurants. 

Scotland to drink whiskey,Ā 

Who does not like authentic food or drink? Well Scotland is known for its Scotch and Whiskey and there is a constant argument about what is the real way to call it, a whiskey or a whisky. Apparently, there are a lot of differences not just in the way it’s written but also the taste, the color and everything that comes with it. Going back to point 1 above, besides Japanese Sake, Japan is also famous for its high grade whisky. But the Scottish nature and their ā€œoriginalā€ whiskey would definitely be on a travelers list to visit and experience. 

Italy for lots of Pizza & wine,

This is probably based on the university days and the experience that the best way to cure a hangover is to eat something nice and juicy and in this case, Kate has chosen a trip to Italy for ā€œMama-Miaā€ Pizza and Wine. What a nice way to refresh herself from all of these traveling around the globe and probably putting a bit of an effort into Scottish Whiskey. 

Israel since again miss my friends there,Ā 

It was definitely a surprise during the conversation that Scotland for Whiskey, Italy for pizza and probably a good place to have a bit of a recovery is to go to Israel. But meeting with friends would only mean one thing, is to go out and party again.

China same reason,Ā 

Surprisingly in this whole conversation and a journey that the first highest education, Kate has actually received in China. She moved there as a high school student and speaks Chinese fairly fluently or at least knows enough to get herself in trouble and then out of trouble. It is only a wonder what she meant by the same reason, is it to have a gastronomical experience of Chinese food, drinking Chinese Wine or seeing some friends. 

Switzerland for nature,Ā 

Arguably, Switzerland could be considered as one of the cleanest and safest places when it comes to nature and all of those amazing photos that were constantly posted around. Would be a completely opposite environment after China, that’s for sure. 

Caribbean and Mexico

There are no comments that were provided to explain why, but looking back at some of the points can easily guess why, such as zumba, bachata, salsa etcā€¦Ā 

What an awesome journey around the world and the experiences that would come with that along the way, it would be quite interesting to have the same conversation with Kate in 12 months time to find out how it all went and in the meantime, Fetti is wishing her all of the best, in business and travel!


Fetti app is designed to make your travel and migration nice and easy and these kinds of stories are only the beginning of various peopleā€™s lives and their journeys. It is the beginning for us as a start up and it’s great to hear some funny ways to make a list and what their reasons are. We will create constant posts of why and where people would want to go which would be a bit of a different approach to our usual posts. If you liked the idea, feel free to share your top 10 countries and the reasons why you would visit at

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